If the snow fingerprints, chilling winds, icy roads and freezing weren't enough to deter you from winter time then this next statement definitely will! Winter weather can cause acne breakouts. Your probably wondering of which this winter can have such an effect on your skin, but prior to look in detail underneath weather, in may become a bit clearer why i has got this harsh effect.

How winter causes cystic acne breakouts

We all know acne is a result of clogged pores, so how winter weather increase top rated tendency for pores to become clogged? Dry air. This dry air encompases us and causes the outer skin to conform to you'll find it environment, meaning you will have dried-out skin and therefore dead skin cells with occur more almost always, and these dead skin cells will clog your pores!

And dry air isn't the only problem. Chilly cold winds can also cause acne outbreaks, which when mixed with clogged pores becomes an acne sufferer's trickiest nightmare.

What to do about it

First of, if we look inside the causes, then we can concentrate on the core of the situation, so go ahead you have to re-read the paragraph rustic lanterns have plain. You should have found that the cause of it is dry body, so how do we combat dried-out skin? Easy. Purchase a oil-free moisturiser and apply an individual feel your skin rrs incredibly dry, most people look it over morning and evening, and it's different for every men. You should also aim to exfoliate your skin regularly diminish any excess bacteria, oil and dead skin cells to ensure your pores among the become blocked or stopped up easily.

When out contained in the cold, protect your face from the harsh winds, invest your good scarf to cover your brain, not only will this the warm, but it will prevent acne outbreaks!

Acne Can help Blog [acne101.co.uk]

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