Have you tried to lighten your with over-the-counter lightening agents like hydroquinone but increased exasperated with waiting? Are you wondering the options for removing brown spots and acne scars will be if and only if the Federal drug administration takes hydroquinone off a adult shelves? In that court case, you may want to learn about another skin whitener called mequinol (4-hydroxyanisole).

Even however the FDA approved the combined mequinol and tretinoin to improve solar lentigines ("age spots" or "liver spots") assistance programs were December of 1999, it has taken almost seven years with your drug to prove its effectiveness at treating ethnic kinds of skin.

Research conducted by dermatologist Zoe Draelos has generated mequinol and tretinoin as just right for lightening age spots or sun spots in Asian, Latin/Hispanic, and Schokoh瓣utige ethnic groups.

The study involved 259 subjects and as reported by report in the Work schedule of Cosmetic Dermatology, plenty of subjects experienced clinical level improvements in their own skin discolorations four a few weeks after starting the mequinol treatment.

In addition to treating liver spots, Dr. Susan Taylor well-versed in Columbia University, New York has directed Skin and Allergy Point that doctors should consider combination mequinol and tretinoin therapy for treating post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). Taylor explains that PIH occurs in areas of our skin that become inflamed from a skin injury, a cosmetic or surgery treatment or from acne lesions on the skin.

Mequinol safety testing

While mequinol may soon displace hydroquinone being trusted skin lightener, right now remains, "How safe a great mequinol for human need? " Mequinol is usually hydroquinone derivative, which makes a person wonder about its feasible toxicity.

However, members aspect of your American Chemistry Council have administered oral dosages of information mequinol to lab mice and rabbits. The animals don't die after exposure. Many of these experiments make mequinol picture non-threatening. However, the FDA will never recommend combination mequinol and tretinoin for pregnant ladies. Plus, women who capability become pregnant should take effective contraception measures when using the present pigment correcting treatment.

Potential side-effects mequinol include redness, biting, burning, irritation, peeling and itching. Moreover, you need to exercise caution when using mequinol with a bit of facial waxing or work astringents that dry the facial skin. And, you can't forget try using a sunscreen when using any skin lightening agent.

In our great country, the 2. 0% mequinol then 0. 01% tretinoin skin whitening treatment sold under the characteristic name Solage. While mequinol may soon supplant hydroquinone being skin lightener, you will still need to visit your doctor have prescription in order to learn from this drug.


American Biology Council Hydroquinone Precursors positive Derivatives Panel Hydroquinone Monomethyl Ether Ingredient Force. High Productive Element (HPV) Challenge Program Hydroquinone Monomethyl Ether Range Test Plan 4-Hydroxyanisole. January 20, 2002.

Food then Drug Administration. Solage Potential customer Information. http: //www. federal drug administration. gov/cder/consumerinfo/druginfo/solage. htm, January 6, 2006.

Draelos, Zoe Diana. Effectiveness of 2% 4-hydroxyanisole (mequinol) and plenty of 0. 01% tretinoin effectively improves seen solar lentigines in cultural groups. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology; September 2006, vol 5, merely no 3, pp. 239-244.

Muirhead, Greg. Combo Therapy May Are obtainable Hydroquinone Alternative.

Skin & Intolerance News; April 2007, vol 37, no 4, pp 1, thirty four.

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